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4WD Remote Control Mower – All Terrain Remote Control Lawn Mower.

Configuration and parameters

Engine Type: Gasoline Engine

Potenza (engine): 5.5 cv

Marca del motore: Rato RV225

Motore elettrico: 600w x 4                                                                                        

Velocità di marcia: 6 km/h

Peso della macchina: 136kg

Dimensioni complessive: 121x103x56cm

Mower Blade: floating blade

Mowing Width: 60cm

Mowing Height: 2-15cm

The working principle of remote control mower

Remote control sending signal: The user sends command signals through the remote control, including forward, all'indietro, turning, and starting or stopping the mower.

The gasoline engine provides power to the cutter head and makes it rotate at high speed. The cutter head drives the blade to rotate at high speed to complete the mowing.

The battery powers four travelling motors, and four travelling motors drive the mower to move.

While the gasoline engine powers the mowing, it also powers the generator, which charges the battery.

Features and advantages

Excellent walking speed and mowing performance.

It has flexible off-road performance and can adapt to various terrain conditions, such as uneven ground and slopes

Compared with the four-wheel drive remote control mower in Europe and the United States, our price is much cheaper.

We install 4 large pneumatic tyres with a diameter of 35 cm and a tread width of 13 cm.

The mower is equipped with a generator that can constantly charge the battery to keep the mower working for a long time.

We installed anti-collision rubber strips on the front and back of the mower.

Why use a remote control lawn mower?

The user can maintain a certain distance from the 4WD remote control mower. Therefore, the user can avoid machine vibration, exhaust gas, dust and the dangers that the machine may produce. Inoltre, it helps operators avoid unknown risks from grass, such as venomous snakes and venomous spiders.

1. Sei produttore?

Siamo il produttore diretto e siamo specializzati in piccoli giardini telecomandati, macchine agricole e forestali.

2. Quali sono i tuoi vantaggi?

Abbiamo un team di ingegneri e progettisti meccanici esperti nel campo delle macchine telecomandate e dei robot automatici.

3. I tuoi prodotti possono essere esportati in America, Europa, Australia e Giappone?

SÌ, Conosciamo il processo di sdoganamento di ciascun paese e disponiamo dei certificati corrispondenti.

4. Potete accettare l'ordine dell'OEM?

SÌ, Non solo l'ordine OEM, ma anche qualsiasi macchinario di controllo remoto personalizzato. Siamo bravi a progettare e produrre piccoli macchinari telecomandati. Per favore dimmi le tue esigenze.

Imballaggio: Scatola di compensato


Ordine del campione all'interno 10 giorni.

10-20 unità intorno 20-30 giorni.

20-60 unità intorno 30-60 giorni.

Ordine personalizzato in giro 30-60 giorni.

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