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Remote Control 4WD Lawnmower For Sale

The Remote Control 4wd lawn mower is an efficient and convenient lawn maintenance tool and our best 4×4 radio controlled lawn mower robot. It is a wheeled mower with a 600mm cutting width and a Briggs & Stratton 11.5hp engine. The remote control functions of the four-wheel drive mower include forward, backward, steering, adjusting the height of the mowing, and starting or stopping the engine.

The mower is easy to operate, and the remote control function makes the operator’s weeding work easier and safer. Suitable for mowing on flat and gentle slopes. If you want to make mowing a pleasure, believe it. Choose it if you want to stay away from mosquitoes, ほこり, 花粉, 機械の振動や排気ガス. In addition, it can help operators avoid unknown risks from the grass, such as poisonous snakes.

Remote Control 4wd lawn mower

Mowing Blade

Why Choose Us – Remote Control 4WD Lawnmower

In China, almost 95% of remote control lawn mowers have defects in quality control and are prone to failure. Especially electric travel motors, circuit boards and wires. This reduces the operator’s work efficiency and also causes more and more Europeans, Americans and Australians to distrust Chinese Remote Control 4wd lawn mower.

But we are different from other Chinese remote control lawn mower manufacturers. We opted to take brand name parts and design the board ourselves. As small as a screw and a wire interface, we have also carefully selected them. Because we know how to make high quality and low price remote control lawn mowers. Among the same type of remote control lawn mowers in China, our products are definitely the highest quality and most durable. If you want to buy a high-quality and durable remote control lawn mower, please choose us. Dear sir, please take my advice, or I am sure you will regret it.

Remote Control 4wd lawn mower
Remote Control For Lawn Mower

Hybrid Power Lawn Mower

Like our other RC lawn mowers, this remote control 4wd lawn mower is a hybrid grass mower. Briggs & Stratton engine supplies power to mowing blade and alternator. そしてオルタネーターは鉛蓄電池を充電します. Then lead-acid batteries provide electrical energy to walking motors. ついに, electric walking motors drive the lawn mower to walk and work.

Detailed Engine Information

About detailed engine information if you want to learn, please click the Briggs & Stratton link.


If you would like a small remote control 4wd lawn mower, please click here.

If you believe in us, believe in our lawn mowers, and are interested in becoming our dealer, ご連絡ください. We are looking forward to hearing from you. We can offer you the dealer price, and we can also print your LOGO on mowers. Even we can provide you with exclusive appearance design to improve your competitiveness.

1. メーカーですか?

当社は小型リモコンガーデンを専門とする直接メーカーです。, 農業および林業機械.

2. あなたの利点は何ですか?


3. あなたの製品をアメリカに輸出できますか, ヨーロッパ, オーストラリアと日本?

はい, 私たちは各国の通関手続きに精通しており、対応する証明書を持っています。.

4. OEM注文を受け付けてもらえますか?

はい, OEM注文だけでなく、あらゆるカスタマイズされたリモコン機械も承ります. 小型リモコン機械の設計・製作を得意としております。. あなたの要件を教えてください.

パッキング: 合板箱


以内のサンプル注文 10 日々.

10-20 周囲のユニット 20-30 日々.

20-60 周囲のユニット 30-60 日々.

カスタムオーダー周り 30-60 日々.


園芸機械・農業機械分野での機械販売・メンテナンスの経験があれば尚可, あなたは私たちのディーラーになることができます.



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