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Remote Controlled Lawn Mower For Sale

Remote control lawn mower is a cheap slope remote control lawn mower. It can cut grass on slopes of 45 degrees or less.

The intelligent features of the remote mower make lawn maintenance more portable and efficient.

Косилка с дистанционным управлением

почему выбрали нас

There is no denying that the remote control mower in Europe and the United States uses advanced technology and design, and its quality is also very good. But it’s expensive, and most people can’t afford it. China’s remote-controlled lawn mowers are relatively cheap, but there are concerns about quality. You are right, remote control lawn mowers have only a short history in China and are currently mostly made by small manufacturers. These small manufacturers lack teams of experienced engineers. But we are different, our engineering team has 20 years of mechanical experience, and our technical level is constantly improving. The circuit boards we use are specially designed and manufactured by us for RC mowers. We also carry out rigorous testing of all electronic components and major power systems. So, you don’t have to worry about the quality of our products.

Visual Remote Control

We thought about how to make weeding more comfortable and convenient for users. So we installed HD cameras and visual remote controls on our mowers. Remote control distance up to 2 km. That means you can operate the mower remotely from home and monitor the mowing process in real time. This remote control is easy to operate and you can choose the language of your country.

If you are interested in our remote controlled mower, please send inquiry directly. Если вы хотите быть нашим дилером в вашей стране, пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами.

About Engine for Remote Controlled Lawn Mower

For this model, we recommend Loncin 13hp 452cc engine. Its engine model is LC1P92F. If you would like to learn more engine information, please check Loncin website.https://www.loncinindustries.com/en/engine/ProductDetail.aspx?catid=8-15-16-60-63-2146815493#proFlag

If you want to more bigger horsepower engine, please contact us.

1. Вы производитель?

Мы являемся прямым производителем и специализируемся на небольших садах с дистанционным управлением., сельскохозяйственная и лесная техника.

2. Каковы ваши преимущества?

У нас есть команда опытных инженеров-механиков и дизайнеров в области машин с дистанционным управлением и автоматических роботов..

3. Можно ли экспортировать вашу продукцию в Америку, Европа, Австралия и Япония?

Да, Мы знакомы с процессом таможенного оформления каждой страны и имеем соответствующие сертификаты.

4. Можете ли вы принять заказ OEM?

Да, Не только заказ OEM, но и любое оборудование с дистанционным управлением по индивидуальному заказу.. Мы умеем проектировать и производить небольшие машины с дистанционным управлением.. Пожалуйста, сообщите мне ваши требования.

Упаковка: Фанерный ящик Доставка: Образец заказа в 10 дни. 10-20 единицы вокруг 20-30 дни. 20-60 единицы вокруг 30-60 дни. Индивидуальный заказ вокруг 30-60 дни.

You are very welcome to be our dealer. As long as you have experience in machinery sales and maintenance in the field of garden and agricultural machinery, you can become our dealer.

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