왓츠앱 / 스카이프 / 위챗: +8617553718020 이메일: info@maxindustrial.group
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Remote control slope mower is a radio controlled all terrain mowing machine. It is designed specifically for extreme landscapes.

Ideal for:

Hillside, Steep-incline, Wetland, Swamp, Roadside, Orchard.

Remote control slope mower equips with gasoline engine, two electric walking motors and 1500 watt alternator to provide strong power for mowing work and climbing. The design of the triangular rubber track allows this mowing machine to climb to 40 degrees.

Besides the mowing function, if remote control slope mower equips snow blade, it can also do snow cleaning operations. Electric lift motor can control snow blade to lift and lower.

Main parameters of remote control slope mower:

  • Mower Model: MAX550
  • Overall Dimensions: 880*930*600 mm
  • Machine Weight: 140 킬로그램
  • Horsepower: 5.5 HP
  • Engine brand: Yamaha, Kohler, Rato, 론신
  • Fuel Type: gasoline
  • Mower Blade: Flying blade 4.0 mm thickness
  • 절단 높이: 20 150 mm
  • 절단 폭: 500 mm
  • 여행 속도: 2.2 km/h
  • Climb Ability: 40 degrees
  • Remote Range: 200 중
  • Optional Accessory: snow blade


Remote control has been set up and can be used directly, please do not adjust it.

Please use 4 AA batteries.


Please use 92# petrol or above.

Replace engine oil for the first time after 10 working hours, next 40 working hours.

Check air filter regularly to remove dust or replace it.


When starting mower, staff should be at the right rear of it. Don’t put foot into mower.

When mower is workingplease turn on power switch. If turn off the power switch, maybe it damage electronic components.

If working on uneven terrain, please do not lower blade to the lowest position to avoid hitting hard objects.

When turning on power switch of mower, display screen shows battery voltage and power. When battery power is lower than 50% or 11.8V, please charge it in time to protect battery.

1. 당신은 제조자입니까?

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2. 당신의 장점은 무엇입니까?

우리는 원격 제어 기계 및 자동 로봇 분야의 숙련된 기계 엔지니어 및 설계자 팀을 보유하고 있습니다..

3. 귀사의 제품을 미국으로 수출할 수 있습니까?, 유럽, 호주와 일본?

예, 우리는 각 국가의 통관 프로세스에 익숙하며 해당 인증서를 보유하고 있습니다..

4. OEM 주문을 수락할 수 있습니까??

예, OEM 주문뿐만 아니라 모든 맞춤형 원격 제어 기계. 우리는 소형 원격 제어 기계 설계 및 제조에 능숙합니다.. 귀하의 요구 사항을 알려주십시오..

포장: 합판 상자


이내의 샘플 주문 10 날.

10-20 주위의 단위 20-30 날.

20-60 주위의 단위 30-60 날.

맞춤 주문 30-60 날.

답장을 남겨주세요

20 + = 30

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    54 + = 55