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Remote Control Sprayer For Agriculture For Sale

Remote control agricultural sprayer is a ground self-propelled remote control robot agricultural sprayer, which can be operated by remote control. The user controls the robotic pesticide sprayer forward, all'indietro, turn and spray with a radio remote control. This allows the operator to remotely control the robot for spraying operations. The caterpillar pesticide robot sprayer is suitable for spraying pesticides in orchards, greenhouses and other places. It is also suitable for disinfection of places and roads.

For this tracked agricultural sprayer, we configured a 300L water tank and two 800 watt water pumps. Its spray height can reach 5-7 meters. We use two 1500 watt brushless travel motors to make them powerful enough to adapt to a variety of terrains. Inoltre, we also installed an 8kw generator to ensure the power consumption of the machine. So it can work all day.

Camera and Visual Remote Control

If you want a more comfortable working environment, such as operating this sprayer while sitting in an air-conditioned house or car, we can configure the sprayer with a camera and visual remote control.

How to Ensure Its Quality

In the production process, strict quality control measures are implemented, including raw material inspection, work-in-process inspection and final product quality inspection. Ensure that each step complies with design specifications and standards. And for every machine we make, we do a thorough performance test. Prolonged testing is the best way to verify the quality of a product. Through testing, we found the defects in the product and made improvements. Therefore, the quality of our products is very good, and it has been recognized by customers. We don’t sell inferior products. We must guarantee the durability of the machine. From time to time, we’ll update YouTube videos of our work and tests,you can subscribe to us.


Other Types of Remote Control Sprayer For agriculture

Besides this remote controlled agricultural sprayer, we can also customize variousremote control robot sprayers for customers. If you need remote control weed sprayer, remote controlled greenhouse sprayer or high clearance boom sprayer, Ci contatti per favore.

1. Sei produttore?

Siamo il produttore diretto e siamo specializzati in piccoli giardini telecomandati, macchine agricole e forestali.

2. Quali sono i tuoi vantaggi?

Abbiamo un team di ingegneri e progettisti meccanici esperti nel campo delle macchine telecomandate e dei robot automatici.

3. I tuoi prodotti possono essere esportati in America, Europa, Australia e Giappone?

SÌ, Conosciamo il processo di sdoganamento di ciascun paese e disponiamo dei certificati corrispondenti.

4. Potete accettare l'ordine dell'OEM?

SÌ, Non solo l'ordine OEM, ma anche qualsiasi macchinario di controllo remoto personalizzato. Siamo bravi a progettare e produrre piccoli macchinari telecomandati. Per favore dimmi le tue esigenze.

Imballaggio: Scatola di compensato Consegna: Ordine del campione all'interno 10 giorni. 10-20 unità intorno 20-30 giorni. 20-60 unità intorno 30-60 giorni. Ordine personalizzato in giro 30-60 giorni.

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