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Remote Controlled Slope Mower Black Panther 800 for sale

Remote controlled slope mower Black Panther 800 is a high-quality all-terrain remote control mower at a competitive price. It is a powerful, flexible and adaptable mowing equipment. The remote control weeder is suitable for removing all kinds of weeds. In particular, the operation is simple, and the weeding work on dangerous steep slopes or dangerous areas can be completed.

Pantera negra 800 remote control weeder is suitable for greening, orchards, hills, slopes, roadside, embankment and other work.

Why choose us

Our engineering team has 20 years of mechanical experience, our mowers are equipped with advanced features and technology, and we use circuit boards that we have designed and manufactured specifically for RC mowers. We also carry out rigorous testing of all electronic components and major power systems. So, don’t worry about the quality of our products.

Video Demo

Through the following video, you can get a good understanding of this remote control weed mower.

For any machine we make, we do a lot of testing to verify our product before we sell it. By testing, podemos encontrar o defeito e melhorá-lo. So the quality of our products is very good, because we have to ensure the durability of the machine. For more videos of our work and tests, You can subscribe to our You Tube channel.


If you are interested in our products or want to become our distributor, Por favor, entre em contato conosco.

1. você é fabricante?

Nós somos o fabricante direto e nos especializamos em pequenos jardins de controle remoto, máquinas agrícolas e florestais.

2. Quais são suas vantagens?

Temos uma equipe de engenheiros mecânicos experientes e designers na área de máquinas de controle remoto e robô automático.

3. Seus produtos podem ser exportados para a América, Europa, Austrália e Japão?

Sim, Estamos familiarizados com o processo de desembaraço aduaneiro de cada país e temos certificados correspondentes.

4. você pode aceitar a ordem DO OEM?

Sim, Não apenas pedido oem, mas também qualquer máquina de controle remoto personalizada. Somos bons em projetar e fabricar pequenas máquinas de controle remoto. Por favor me diga seus requisitos.

Embalagem: Caixa de contraplacado
Entrega: Pedido de amostra dentro 10 dias.
10-20 unidades ao redor 20-30 dias.
20-60 unidades ao redor 30-60 dias.
Ordem personalizada ao redor 30-60 dias.

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