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Remote Control Greenhouse Sprayer For Sale

Remote control greenhouse sprayer is an electric RC robot sprayer. Used to automatically spray water or other liquid agents onto plant surfaces in a greenhouse. It’s only 67 centimeters wide. Because of its small body and no engine, it is especially suitable for working in vegetable greenhouses. The operator uses a radio remote control to control the greenhouse sprayer forward, backward, turn and spray pesticides. In this way, the operator is away from the machine and avoids damage from pesticides.

We used a 50 litre water tank, 8 fan nozzles and 2 70 watt water pumps for this ground greenhouse robotic sprayer. The maximum nozzle height is 1.6 meters. Its spray height can reach 2-3 meters. If you need a higher spray height, we can customize it for you. To make the greenhouse RC sprayer even more powerful, we installed two 800 watt brushless walking motors. It can reach a speed of 5 kilometers per hour. So it works. In order to get enough working time, we installed four 52Ah batteries for this greenhouse spray robot. This will allow it to work for 3-4 hours.

Greenhouse Pesticide Sprayer with Camera and Visual Remote Control

We can configure this remote control greenhouse sprayer with HD camera and HD visual remote control. Using advanced camera and vision technology, it can accurately identify the plants in the greenhouse and automate the pesticide spraying to ensure the uniform distribution of pesticides. So you can operate this pesticide sprayer while sitting in your air-conditioned house or car. This radio remote can take pictures and video. You can even insert a phone card to make calls.

Other Types of Remote Controlled Sprayers

There are many problems with inferior products, including instability, low durability and safety hazards. So for any machine we make, we do a lot of testing before we sell it. Prolonged testing is the best way to validate a new product. With a lot of testing, we can find the defect and improve it. Therefore, the quality of our products is very good. もちろん, the feedback from our customers has been very good. We must guarantee the durability of the machine. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel for more working and testing videos.


Other Types of Remote Controlled Sprayers

We can produce a variety of remote control agricultural sprayers. If you need a remote-controlled weeder, a remote-controlled weeder for agriculture or a robotic high-clearance boom weeder, ご連絡ください. Big or small, whether used in orchards, greenhouses or fields, we have you covered.

1. メーカーですか?

当社は小型リモコンガーデンを専門とする直接メーカーです。, 農業および林業機械.

2. あなたの利点は何ですか?


3. あなたの製品をアメリカに輸出できますか, ヨーロッパ, オーストラリアと日本?

はい, 私たちは各国の通関手続きに精通しており、対応する証明書を持っています。.

4. OEM注文を受け付けてもらえますか?

はい, OEM注文だけでなく、あらゆるカスタマイズされたリモコン機械も承ります. 小型リモコン機械の設計・製作を得意としております。. あなたの要件を教えてください.

パッキング: 合板箱 配達: 以内のサンプル注文 10 日々. 10-20 周囲のユニット 20-30 日々. 20-60 周囲のユニット 30-60 日々. カスタムオーダー周り 30-60 日々.


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