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Remote Control Lawn Mower For Sale

Remote control lawn mower is a portable small remote control lawn mower with track. It can help people cut grass easily on the hillside. This remote-controlled mower is suitable for mowing difficult terrain, especially hills and slopes. This is an area where riding mowers and hand mowers do not work. In addition, people use remote control mowers to cut grass, and can control its movement and operation by remote control, thus easily mowing the lawn. And it keeps people away from mosquitoes, 花粉, ほこり, 機械の振動や排気ガス. It also avoids unknown risks from grass, such as poisonous snakes and poisonous spiders.

Remote Lawn Mower Blade

For this remote control mower, we did a lot of testing and improvements, and then we started selling it. Judging from the feedback from customers around the world, the price and quality of this mower are very good. In fact, the quality of this lawnmower is better than that of other Chinese manufacturers. Because we are professional remote control machinery manufacturers.

Hybrid Power Remote Lawn Mower

For this remote control lawn mower, it is a hybrid mower. Petrol engine provides power to cutting blades and alternator. Alternator charges lead-acid batteries. Lead-acid batteries provide power to electric travel motors. Travel motors drive the machine to walk. As you see, we use 16 wheels. This makes the machine more better on slopes.


In order to meet the needs of customers for remote control mowers, we can install cameras on the machine and use visual remote controls. This remote control can remotely control the mower within 2 km. Users can remotely view the working status of the mower, lawn coverage and the location of obstacles. In other words, people can sit at home and cut grass in the yard.

If you would like to buy one of our remote control mowers, please send an inquiry directly. If you want to become our distributor in your country, お願いします お問い合わせ.

Detailed Engine Information

さらに詳しいエンジン情報を知りたい方は, ロンシンのホームページをご確認ください。https://www.loncinindustries.com/en/engine/ProductDetail.aspx?catid=8-15-16-60-62-2146815490#proFlag

If you want to choose other brand engine, ヤマハやブリッグスなど & ストラットン, ご連絡ください.

1. メーカーですか?

当社は小型リモコンガーデンを専門とする直接メーカーです。, 農業および林業機械.

2. あなたの利点は何ですか?


3. あなたの製品をアメリカに輸出できますか, ヨーロッパ, オーストラリアと日本?

はい, 私たちは各国の通関手続きに精通しており、対応する証明書を持っています。.

4. OEM注文を受け付けてもらえますか?

はい, OEM注文だけでなく、あらゆるカスタマイズされたリモコン機械も承ります. 小型リモコン機械の設計・製作を得意としております。. あなたの要件を教えてください.

パッキング: 合板箱


以内のサンプル注文 10 日々.

10-20 周囲のユニット 20-30 日々.

20-60 周囲のユニット 30-60 日々.

カスタムオーダー周り 30-60 日々.


40 + = 41


    46 + = 55